SPLA : Portail de la diversité culturelle

The African Hip-Hop Reader

Appel à contributions pour un livre sur le hip-hop africain
  • The African Hip-Hop Reader
Genre : Appels à contributions / candidatures
Pays principal concerné : Rubrique : Musique
Mois de Sortie : 2009
Publié le : 24/04/2009
Contacter par email

Title: Native Tongues: The African Hip-Hop Reader
Publisher: African World Press

We invite proposals from scholars and advanced graduate
students to be contributors for a book project of compiled
critical and new writings on rap and hip-hop in Africa. Much
scholarship has been produced on hip-hop, but little
attention has been paid to this burgeoning and vibrant
culture on the African continent- this will be the focus of
this volume.

Chapter proposals from scholars of any discipline focusing
on any region and/or country of Africa will be considered.
Proposals can also take a transnational approach but must
focus on Africans in diaspora (e.g. Senegalese in France).
Proposals on the North Africa, Francophone, and Lusophone
Africa are particularly sought. Interviews, creative
writing, and photographs, are also welcome.

Scholars interested in being a contributor are invited to
submit a proposal including a CV and a 400-500 word abstract
detailing the intended subject by May 20, 2009. Previously
published material will be considered for this project, but
priority will be given to unpublished essays. Editors will
inform applicants whether their proposal has been accepted
by June 10, 2009. Authors of accepted proposals should
submit their final essays, of between 5,000-10,000 (words
including notes), by September 1, 2009.

Please submit your abstracts electronically in MS Word
compatible format to: psaucier@ric.edu

Paul Khalil Saucier, PhD
Rhode Island College
Department of Sociology
Providence, RI 02908


1 fiches


  • Alliance Française VANUATU
  • Pascoe Promotions

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