SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Gazellah Bruder

  • Gazellah Bruder
© Gazellah Bruder (Art Stret)

Gazellah Bruder is one of Papua New Guinea's most prominent women artists who has participated in more than 50 exhibitions both locally and internationally. As a graduate of the University of Papua New Guinea with both a Diploma in Fine Art and Batchelor of Art majoring in Art and Design, she most recently achieved an Honours Degree in Visual Anthropology.

Gazellah's work is distinctively bold and inspired by women. Her art focuses on gender and the social and sexual issues that continue to marginalize Papua New Guinean women. Her art is a reflection of her personal attempt to step into the lives of the women around her. Gazellah is courageous with her expression as she attempts to give the 'voice-less', a voice to be heard. Her great empathy for those she sees as victims of social & cultural issues makes her work confronting and challenges the audience to participate in her visual discussion.

Recognised in the 2006 book, 'Papua New Guinea Prints', published by the National Gallery of Australia, as one of the new generation of printmakers, Gazellah maintains this medium as her 'first love' to create work and has embraced the new opportunity to return to this medium with a spectacular solo exhibition demonstrating her dexterity in the form.

This exacting and highly technical medium lends depth and detail to her expressions with each work holding an individuality that marks the physicality of the process.

Her paintings, drawing and prints grace collections both private and public internationally.

Source: www.artstret.com


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  • Alliance Française VANUATU
  • Pascoe Promotions

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