SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Sada Niang

Sada Niang. Associate Professor, University of Victoria, BC, Canada. In the early years of his career, Sada Niang's research concentrated on the language of African literature, on the mediation between French and the native African languages of the writers, on the choices made by the latter in their narratives and the ensuing styles of their creation. His publications up to 1994 reflected these concerns. In 1994, he started publishing in African and Caribbean cinemas as well, culminating in the publication of Diop Mambety, un cineaste à contre-courant (2002), the edition of a conference proceedings (1996), and the further co-edition of a special issue of Presence Francophone on African cinemas (2002). In addition to these books, he has also published seven book chapters and three refereed articles on African cinemas. He organized a first African Film festival in Victoria in 1994. The same year he also designed and anchored a 13-week series on African film on a provincial wide television network in British Columbia (Knowledge network). He presently runs a weeklong francophone film festival (including French Cinema) at the University of Victoria usually in March.


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  • Alliance Française VANUATU
  • Pascoe Promotions

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