SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Maisha Film Lab 2014

© ZIFF 2014
Genre : Training/workshops
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Release/publication date : September 2014
Published on : 09/04/2014
Source : http://us7.campaign-archive1.com/?u=156bc8d82852dc06ebe875f2a&id=842f065cf3&e=9dc0e56051


In January 2014 Maisha Film Lab was awarded the ACPCulture+ Program contract  under Lot 1 which covers support for audio-visual and cinema in African Caribbean and Pacific regions.

What this means is Maisha will in 2014 have 4 annual 8-day intensive programs in each of Maisha's target countries:  Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda. Participants are selected from a pool of applicants based on their short screenplay ideas.  We will award 60 scholarships to participants from the EAC region. In about 8 days, the 60 selected participants  (15 in each country) will work with internationally renowned mentors to refine their work and broaden their horizons on the film business and the art of filmmaking.
The result is 60 screenwriting graduates. Each of the 60 total participants (15 per lab) selected for our screenwriting workshops will have a vetted and refined short screenplay.  One screenplay will be selected at each lab to receive a grant to produce their films.  Each participant will have access to Maisha's equipment if they want to produce their own films.

The screenwriting lab participants will have networking opportunities with their fellow filmmakers and their community, as well as with their mentors, who are professional working writers and filmmakers from all over the world as the screenwriting labs will be held against the backdrop of the regional film festivals in each respective country.

The lab participants will gain exposure to films and filmmakers from all over the world and thus begin to actualize the idea of a career in filmmaking.


  • Alliance Française VANUATU
  • Pascoe Promotions

With the support of