SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Magid the Magician

  • Magid le magicien
© Courtesy CONIFF 2014, Addis Abeba
Genre : Adventure
Type : Fiction
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2014
Format : Short
Running time : 23 (in minutes)

Two brothers, Amin and Magid, are illegal residents in the French Island of Mayotte in the Comoros Archipelago. Sara, a young nurse still lives with her parents, who have already prepared everything for her future. Magid is sick and needs care. Amin risks the game of love and chance for his younger brother. Basked in maternal love, will Sara be the saving soul?

A film by Mohamed SAID OUMA

Comoros - 2014 - short narrative, 23'

Réalisateur/ Director : Mohamed Said Ouma
Scénario/ Script : Mohamed Said Ouma; Caroline Pochon
Image/ Pictures : François Kotlarski
Son/ Sound : Alain Rosenfeld
Montage/Editing : Myriam Chamekh
Musique/ Music : Mounawar
Décor/ Set design : Denis Balthazar
Interprètes/ Actors : Ahamadi Dalfine ; Attou Le comorien; Kems; Salima; Nawal Mlanao
Durée/Length : 21 mn
Format : Disque Blu-ray 16/9
Contact : 00262 692 40 27 65
E-mail : magidlemagicien@gmail.com


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  • Alliance Française VANUATU
  • Pascoe Promotions

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