SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

In the name of the brother

  • Au nom du frère - باسم [...]
Genre : Biography
Type : Documentary
Original title : One Day in the madrassa [Working title] | He's Still There [Working title]
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2013
Format : Mid-length
Running time : 55 (in minutes)

My younger brother Mustapha disappeared for almost two years, cutting all contacts with us, his family. But one evening, my mother received a phone call from him, telling her that he had settled down in the Madrasa Nahlia, a religious school in the mountains, 90 Km from Marrakesh. I and my mother travelled to meet him up there.

My brother Mustapha disappeared for almost one year. He cut any contact with us, his family.
We lived then in fear and distress. One evening, after his long absence, my mother received a phone call. He had settled down in the Madrasa Nahlia, a koranic school of religious teaching in the mountains, 90 km from Marrakesh. We went to meet him, my mother and I.
Through a monologue in the form of a letter that I wrote to my brother I will tell our story, evoking his absence whilst capturing childhood memories.
I will observe his current life and tell the simplicity, austerity and serenity of the Madrasa Nahlia.

Directed by Youssef Ait Mansour

2013, Morocco, 52' documentary

Director: Youssef Ait Mansour
Screenwriter: Youssef Ait Mansour
Cinematographer: Khalid Najah
Sound operator : Abdelmounnim Ennokra
Editor : Hicham Elladdaqi

Production manager : Alaa Eddine Aljem
Producer : Francesca Duca (Le Moindre Geste)

Country :Morocco
Production Year :2013
Duration : 52'
Shooting support : DV

Produced by Le Moindre Geste

Co-produced by 2M TV

Print Source: alaa.e.aljem@gmail.com



ملخص الفيلم: اختفى شقيقي الأصغر"مصطفى" لمدة سنتين تقريباً وانقطع الاتصالات به تماماً، وعائلته. لكن ذات ليلة، تلقت والدتي مكالمة هاتفية منه، ليخبرها أنه استقر في مدرسة دينية تقع فوق الجبال وعلى بعد 90 كيلومتراً من مراكش. سافرت أنا وأمي لمقابلته هناك

الدولة :المغرب
سنة الانتاج :2013

مدة العرض: 52 دقيقة

إخراج: يوسف آيت منصور

سيناريو: يوسف آيت منصور

تصوير: خالد نجا

مونتاج: هشام الداقي

alaa.e.aljem@gmail.com: مصدر النسخة

Source: LAFF 2014, Shorts Films Section


1 files


  • Alliance Française VANUATU
  • Pascoe Promotions

With the support of