In the new South Africa, women are assuming sovereignty over their own life and thus steadily prevailing against the widespread gender-based violence in the country. They are reviving the pacifist, non-hetero-normative, matriarchal society of the pre-colonial era. In doing so, they are creating a subtle decolonization of art, history and society. A dancer-choreographer pushes the boundaries of her art and leads us through her scarlet universe into the story of the body of black women: enslaved, abused, burnt, and now born again by their own strength. Taking the impulse of the montage from the echo of their desires, this essay portrays contemporary goddesses.
2010 - Beta SP - Color - 75' - English/Afrikaans/Xhosa/'Nu
Director: Sylvie Cachin
Switzerland/South Africa
Mamela Nyamza
Sylvie Cachin
Julien Israelian
Sylvie Cachin
Sylvie Cachin
25 bis rue de Lausanne
1201 Geneva
Mamela Nyamza
World Sales
25 bis rue de Lausanne
1201 Geneva
Swiss Distributor
25 bis rue de Lausanne
1201 Geneva
Nel nuovo Sudafrica ci sono donne che si riappropriano della loro vita lottando contro la violenza tra i sessi, largamente diffusa nel paese, e appellandosi alla società precoloniale, pacifista, non etero-normativa, matriarcale. La loro battaglia sta producendo una sottile decolonizzazione dell'arte, della storia e della società. Una ballerina-coreografa allarga i confini della propria arte e ci introduce nel suo universo scarlatto, sulle tracce di una storia del corpo delle donne nere: schiavizzato, abusato, immolato, e finalmente riscattato grazie a loro. Con un montaggio che segue la spinta dei desideri di queste donne, gODDESSES ci consegna il ritratto di alcune dee contemporanee.
2010 - Beta SP - Color - 75'
Regia : Sylvie Cachin
Versione originale: inglese/afrikaans/xhosa/'nu
Im neuen Südafrika übernehmen die Frauen die Hauptrolle in ihrem Leben und stellen sich so der Gewalt zwischen den Geschlechtern entgegen, die im Land weit verbreitet ist. Sie lassen die pazifistische, nicht heteronormative, frauenzentrierte Gesellschaft der vorkolonialen Zeit wiederaufleben und bewirken eine subtile Dekolonisation der Kunst, Geschichte und Gesellschaft. Eine Tänzerin-Choreografin lotet die Grenzen ihrer Kunst aus und führt uns durch ein scharlachrotes Universum auf den Spuren der Geschichte schwarzer Frauen: versklavt, missbraucht, geopfert - und nun wiederauferstanden. Während die Montage dem Echo ihrer Wünsche folgt, entsteht ein Porträt zeitgenössischer Göttinnen.
2010 - Beta SP - Color - 75'
Regie : Sylvie Cachin
Sektion : Appellations Suisse
Originalversion: English/Afrikaans/Xhosa/'Nu
In the new South Africa, women are assuming sovereignty over their own life and thus steadily prevailing against the widespread gender-based violence in the country. They are reviving the pacifist, non-hetero-normative, matriarchal society of the pre-colonial era. In doing so, they are creating a subtle decolonization of art, history and society. A dancer-choreographer pushes the boundaries of her art and leads us through her scarlet universe into the story of the body of black women: enslaved, abused, burnt, and now born again by their own strength. Taking the impulse of the montage from the echo of their desires, this essay portrays contemporary goddesses.
2010 - Beta SP - Color - 75' - English/Afrikaans/Xhosa/'Nu
Director: Sylvie Cachin
Switzerland/South Africa