SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Fall of Apples Trees (The)

  • Automne des pommiers (L')
Genre : Drama
Type : Fiction
Original title : خريف التفاح
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2020
Format : Feature
Running time : 120 (in minutes)

Slimane, a young boy has never known his mother, disappeared when he was a year old. His father denies him believing he is the fruit an incestuous relationship. Slimane decides to investigate and find out what really happened before he was born. Reality and fiction intertwine to weave life.

In what looks like the debris of a remote paradise, a son receives harsh lessons about love, life, and humans from an eccentric father in an attempt to answer life's most difficult questions.
From the point of view of the rural boy who lives in the house with a garden that grows apples, the world seems like a question that needs more than just an answer. Perhaps with the exception of the dialect, this village can be anywhere in the world, and his father can have many other faces, meanwhile, apples are the only fruit that all humans are associated with since the beginning of creation. Apples are an extended memory that does not lose its details, combining the heavenly and the earthly.

A film by Mohamed MOUFTAKIR

Morocco, 2020, feature narrative, 2h00

starring Fatima Kheir, Saad Tsouli, Mohamed Tsouli, Naima Lemcherki, Anass Bajoudi, Ayoub Layoussoufi, Hassan Badida and the participation of Sarah Perles

Year: 2020
Run time: 120 mn
Arabic Title: خريف التفاح
English Title: "The Fall of Apples Trees"
French Title: "L'Automne des pommiers"

Producers: Mohamed Mouftakir, Rachida Saadi, Emmanuel

Directed by Mohamed MOUFTAKIR
Screenwriter: Mohamed Mouftakir
Cinematography: Raphael Bauche
Sound: Mehdi Filali
Film Editing: Layla Dynar
Music: Younes Megri

Fatima Kheir
Saad Tsouli
Mohamed Tsouli
Naima Lemcherki
Anass Bajoudi
Ayoub Layoussoufi
Hassan Badida
and Sarah Perle (participation)

Avalanche Prod

with the support of CCM


International Premiere /// 42nd CIFF - Cairo International Film Festival 2020 || Horizons of Arab Cinema Program

2020 | 21st FNFT (Tangiers National Film Festival), Morocco
* Grand Prize (Grand Prix)
* Best Cinematography (Prix de la Meilleure Image
* Critics Awards (Prix de la Critique)
* Prix de la Fédération des cinéclubs



خريف التفاح

الملخص: في بيئة تبدو كبقايا جنة نائية يتلقى الابن دروسا قاسية عن الحب والحياة والبشر على يد الأب غريب الأطوار في محاولة للإجابة على أسئلة الحياة الصعبة.

من عيني الفتى الريفي ساكن البيت الذي تنمو شجرة التفاح في ساحته الامامية يبدو العالم كسؤال يحتاج إلى أكثر من مجرد إجابة، وربما باستثناء اللهجة فإنه يمكن لهذه القرية أن تكون في اي مكان بالعالم، ويمكن لهذا الأب أن تتكرر وجوهه، أما التفاح فهو الفاكهة الوحيدة التي يرتبط بها كل البشر منذ بدء الخليقة، التفاح هو ذاكرة ممتدة لا تغيب تفاصيلها، تجمع ما بين السماوي والأرضي، ما بين القدري والاختياري

المخرج: محمد مفتكر
روائي، 2020، ملون، 121 د
اللغة الأصلية: العربية، الفرنسية

42CIFF / CIFF 2020 - مصر
عرض عالمي أول


5 files


  • Alliance Française VANUATU
  • Pascoe Promotions

With the support of