SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Malmö Arab Film Festival - MAFF 2021

Genre : Festival

From tuesday 06 to sunday 11 april 2021

Times : 00:00
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv

Malmö Arab Film Festival, MAFF, works as an intercultural platform for diversity and tolerance. As one of the largest film festivals with the focus on Arab cinema, outside of the Arab world, we offer a meeting ground for the Nordic and Arab film industries. MAFF has an annual structure with events and festivals all over Sweden with special projects and programs.

The festival was founded in 2011 by the general manager and artistic director Mouhamad Keblawi. Evolving from a grassroot movement the festival was initiated through a need, in Malmö and Sweden, for a space that would share and explore the Arab culture. MAFF is an intercultural meeting place, a place for discourse and bridge-building between people and cultures.

Around 120 features, short films and documentaries from all over the world are screened during the festival. There are also competition sections, panoramas, retrospectives, special screenings, workshops, seminars and celebrations. Parallel to the the festival is the MAFF Market Forum, MMF. The MMF is an industry forum for collaboration between the Nordic and Arab industries.

Recurring events

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Latest news

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  • Alliance Française VANUATU
  • Pascoe Promotions

With the support of