SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Sheer Sound

Genre : Label
Status : Private company
Principal country concerned : Column : Music
356 Oak Avenue
2194 Ferndale Randburg
South Africa
Tel. : +27 11 438 7000
Fax : +27 11 789 6425
Contact by email

SHEER SOUND is a South African record company with a focus on quality music of all kinds. The company is a credible market leader and a respected player in the South African music industry. Sheer Sound houses a wide spread of musical genres under one roof : Afrojazz, World music, Afropop and African flavoured House music. Our rich world & jazz catalogue includes the likes of Oliver Mtukudzi, Zim Ngqwana, Winston Mankunku Ngozi, Bheki Mseleku, Louis Mhlanga, and many more, as well as being dedicated to discovering, developing and revealing new talent.

OUR MISSION: A firm resolve of the company is to expose the music of Southern Africa to the world at large (not only South African music). The world's ears have yet to hear much of this magic, with most African music that's profiled coming from central and Western Africa.

The SHEER GROUP consists of 7 companies, each specialising in its own field; artist focused releases, compilation releases, dance music, online sales, live entertainment, publishing as well as a distribution company. We are the largest independent record label in Southern Africa.


  • Alliance Française VANUATU
  • Pascoe Promotions

With the support of