SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Safi, the little mother

  • Safi, la petite mère
Genre : Drama
Type : Docu-drama
Original title : Safi, la piccola madre [Italy] | Safi, la madrecita [Italy]
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2004
Format : Mid-length
Running time : 30 (in minutes)

Safi, 8 years old, lives in a village in Burkina Faso lost in the red dust of Sahel. One day, his life becomes suddenly dramatical. His mother dies giving birth to a boy. The old tribal beliefs become threatening: tradition wants the child to disappear as well to avoid bad fate…these are very ancient rites against which common sense and compassion cannot do anything. But Safi, thanks to his innocence and because he has no prejudices, succeeds in saving the child and flee to an unknown town to escape adults'cruelty. A film by Raso Ganemtoré Burkina Faso / France / Italie, 2004, Fiction, 29 mins avec Madina Ouédraogo, Alimata Salouka, Aminata Dao, Antoine Yougbaré, Halidou Sawadago, Joséphine Kaboré PRIX / FESTIVALS / AWARDS / DISTINCTIONS / TELEVISIONS 2007 | 1st Festival Miroirs et Cinémas d'Afriques | MARSEILLE, France | June 26, - July 1st, 2007 | > Youth Audience Award (Prix du Jeune Public) 2007 | 8th Festival Ciné Sud | COZES, France | 07 > 08 april 2007 | > Audience Award (Prix du public) 2003 | Festival panafricain du cinéma et de la télévision (FESPACO) | OUAGADOUGOU, Burkina Faso | 24 février - 03 mars 2007 | fespaco.bf | > Selection ________ NL Wanneer haar moeder sterft in het kraambed, ontvlucht de achtjarige Safi haar dorp met haar pasgeboren broertje in haar armen. Volgens een wrede traditie zou de baby ter dood veroordeeld moeten worden om het noodlot af te wenden. Raso Ganemtoré Burkina Faso, 2004, 29 min Nederlands en Frans ondertiteld __________ IT Dopo la morte di sua madre per parto, Safi un bambina di otto anni, rimane da sola con il piccolo nascituro. In seguito ad una crudele superstizione, che vuole che il bambino sia condannato a morire, è costretta a fuggire dal villaggio per metterlo in salvo... Italia 2004, 30 min, 35mm, francese sottotitoli italiano) VINCITORE DEL CLERMONT-FERRAND SHORT FILM FESTIVAL 2005, INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION


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  • Alliance Française VANUATU
  • Pascoe Promotions

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