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Corrugated metal roofs, red earth and a chorus of vuvuzelas: welcome to Mamelodi, a township northeast of Pretoria, South Africa. In 2010, the World Cup of Football brought a ray of hope to the district known as Extension 11, where filmmaker Benjamin Kahlmeyer followed the Mtsweni family's daily routine. It is a difficult life, burdened by poverty and the mother's mental illness, but Kahlmeyer captures its energy and excitement thanks to his remarkable sense of mise en scène and vibrant cinematography. If there were awards for documentary subjects, the unforgettable teen called Mosquito would be a shoo-in: she jumps off the screen and seems to embody all of South African youth.
Dir. Benjamin Kahlmeyer
Country : Germany, South Africa
Year : 2011
Language : English, Zulu, lang_sotho-en
Subtitles : English
Duration : 75 min
Picture : Stefan Neuberger
Editor : Benjamin Entrup
Sound : Jonathan Schorr
Production : Boris Frank
Boris Frank