SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Peter Tosh

Peter Tosh
Singer, Song writer/composer, Piano/keyboard player, Guitarist
Principal country concerned : Column : Music

Peter Tosh was more than a luminary in the development of reggae music. He was the ultimate firebrand, speaking out against oppression around the world in both his songs and his public statements. He was a man who demonstrated the power of personal and artistic integrity, and pride and defiance in the face of authoritarian power. His music's insurrectionary fervor has inspired artists of all stripes, from reggae disciples to punk-rock acolytes like The Clash.

Born Winston Hubert McIntosh in the rural parish of Westmoreland, Jamaica, in 1944, he moved to the notorious slum of Trenchtown at age 16. His mother strongly influenced him, and her sensibility would become apparent in both his lyrics and views; she was particularly concerned that he have a Christian upbringing. He attended the local church daily, and his experience there - singing in the choir and learning to play the organ - formed a sort of musical apprenticeship that prepared him for his subsequent career (...)

Read the whole biography on his website [http://petertosh.com/biography/]


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  • Alliance Française VANUATU
  • Pascoe Promotions

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