SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Call for entries - ACID Programme in Cannes 2012

Genre : Calls for papers
Contact details ACID / Séverine Kandelman 14 rue Alexandre Parodi 75010 Paris - France +33 (0)1 44 89 99 74
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Release/publication date : 2012
Published on : 16/02/2012
Contact by email

May 17th-26st 2012

During the Cannes Film Festival, ACID (Association for the Distribution of Independant Cinema) presents a selection of 9 international feature films.
This selection is shown at Les Arcades and Studio 13 movie theatres in Cannes

Are selected:

- Feature films (fiction or documentary running time 60 minutes minimum)
- 35 mm, DCP or video format
- No previous release in French theatres
- No previous screening on french television (cinematographic feature only)
- Films produced after January 2010

To Submit a film :

Regulations of the festival as well as submission form are available on our website : www.lacid.org
Participation to the ACID Cannes 2012 Programme implies acceptance of the foregoing rules and regulations

- Fully complete the submission form and send it by mail in Excel Format to severine@lacid.org
- The entry form must be printed with signature and sent by post with 5 DVDs of the film to the following address :

ACID / Séverine Kandelman
14 rue Alexandre Parodi
75010 Paris - France

Deadline for submission and reception of all elements is March 31st 2012

For more information:
Séverine Kandelman
+33 (0)1 44 89 99 74

ACID programme in Cannes:

Every year, ACID presents 9 films in Cannes during the festival.
This programme of 9 feature films is made by twenty ACID film directors.

Most of these films do not have a distributor. The aim is to give visibility and public release to new talents.

ACID's support does not stop with the presentation in Cannes.
After Cannes, ACID presents the films to 40 festivals in France and abroad.
The ACID Cannes programme is then shown in the fall : in Paris, in 30 movie theaters in the Parisian area, in region and in the US.

ACID also helps the director find a distributor in France, and when one is found, works on the release. Once the film has a release date, the film directors of the association write promoting texts.
ACID then promotes the film among 200 independant movie theaters. At the release, ACID can help with additional copy prints and leaflets for the audience.

All year long, ACID also organizes and financially supports over 300 Q&As, readings, concerts, in movie theaters or festivals, in presence either the film director, the screenplay writer, actors, or the music composer.

ACID is also : partnerships with schools, universities, associations and an audience network throughout the country.


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  • Alliance Française VANUATU
  • Pascoe Promotions

With the support of