SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Il était une fois... Sasha et Désiré

Genre : Drama
Type : Fiction
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2006
Format : Short
Running time : 25 (in minutes)

Waiting for the green ray on the far end of a wooden pontoon, Sasha, an old Russian lady, was telling to her half-breed great grandchildren the most beautiful moments of her meeting with their great grandfather. That was in Noirmoutier in 1934. His name was Désiré...

R/D : Cécile Vernant - Sc : Cécile Vernant - Ph/C : Yohann Charrin - M/Ed : Franck Nakache - S : Patrick Valey - Mus : Erwann Kermovant - Déc/AD : Prudence Richard - P : les Films du requin, Vonvon Films Associés - 24'34 - 35 mm/Beta - F - Coul/Col - Int/Cast : Fanny Valette, Renaud Denis-Jean, Mike Fédée, Grigori Manoukov, Élise Diamant, Beata Nilska Contact : les Films du requin


  • Alliance Française VANUATU
  • Pascoe Promotions

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