SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Ava and Gabriel

  • Ava et Gabriel (Ava y Gabriel, un historia di amor)
Genre : Drama
Type : Fiction
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 1990
Format : Feature
Running time : 100 (in minutes)

To be ordered from ArtMattan Productions (www.africanfilm.com)
Language: Dutch and Papamientu w/ English subtitles

The story takes place on the island of Curacao in the late Forties.Upon request of Father Fidelius, parish priest of St. Anna's, the Surinam painter Gabriel Goedbloed arrives from Holland to paint a mural of the Virgin Mary in St. Anna's Church. The drama unfolds from different angles. First the clergy and locals are confused by the fact that the painter is black, originating from Surinam, but resettled in The Hague, where he received a Fine Art education.

The close knit Antillian society did not welcome strangers who would not conform to their colonial way of life in those days. Contributing factors arise when he chooses a young teacher, Miss Ava Recordina, who is from mixed origin, to be his model for the painting of the Virgin Mary. Ava is engaged to the white police major Carlos Zarius who is not too happy with his fiancé posing for the painter.

The fact that the Dutch Governor's wife, Louise van Hansschot, is interested in Gabriel also fuels the tension. In the end, Gabriel Goedbloed falls victim to the controversies, hypocrisies and intrigues that have arisen around his person and his paintings.

Jury Prize, Festival International de Cine Latino Americano, Havana Cuba, 1990


Relato centrado a finales de la década del 40. Un pintor elige como modelo a una mujer negra para un mural de la iglesia. La burguesía y las autoridades eclesiásticas se conmocionan y un ambiente de tensiones acumuladas se desata repentinamente.

Titulo Original: Ava & Gabriel: un historia di amor

Dirección: Félix de Rooy
Guión: Norman de Palm
Fotografía: Ernest Dickerson
Edición: Tom de Graaft
Música: Roy Louis
Sonido: Peteer Flamman
Dirección Artística: Ellen Van der Wiel
Intérpretes: Nashaira Desbarida, Cliff San-A-Iong, Geert de Jong, Rina Penso, Ana Muskus Theu Boermans

País: Antillas Holandesas (Curaça, en 2010)
Formato: 35 mm
Categoría: Ficción
Tipo: Color
Duración: 100 min.
Año de producción: 1989
Productora: Cosmic Illusion Production
Distribuidora: Seawell Films

Algunos premios y distinciones:
1990, Festival Internacional del Nuevo Cine Latinoamericano, Edición 12º, Ficción, Premio Saúl Yelín, del Comité de Cineastas de América Latina



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  • Alliance Française VANUATU
  • Pascoe Promotions

With the support of